Acupuncture KYI East Brunswick NJ in Network with: Horizon, United, Aetna.

 Acupuncture in East Brunswick NJ - local office, near East Brunswick High School, SEHBP insurance accepted.
I live in East Brunswick since 2013, but the idea to start my Private Practice of Acupuncture in East Brunswick comes true just at 11/2024.
I am in Acupuncture private practice since 2010. Before my office was in Monroe.

Certified & Licenced Acupuncture office in East Brunswick NJ

Text me please for appointment: (908) 492-1457.
We are in Network with Horizon, United, Aetna, US Family Health (Military), AmeriHealth.
SEHBP and SHBP. NJ Educators.

What does Acupuncture KYI treats?

Neck pain
Upper back pain
Lower back pain
Pinched nerve
Plantar fasciitis
Achilles tendonitis

Disk herniation
Spinal stenosis
Hip and Shoulder pain
Knees and elbows pain
Hands and legs numbness
Piriformis syndrome

Anxiety and Stress
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Mayofacial Pain Syndrome (MPS)
Tennis or Golfer elbows
Tension headache and Migraines
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
Sciatica and Cervicalgia
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Swollen Ankles. Oedema.