United Healthcare in network acupuncture Monroe NJ

United Healthcare insurance covers acupuncture in Network.
Our office is in Network United Healthcare provider.
Please, check your Health Insurance plan for Acupuncture treatment coverage.

Many people put on they're websites "we are accepting your insurance", but in reality - they are Out-of-Network providers.

Leonid Belenitsky MS Lac - in network with United Healthcare

For appointment, check your acupuncture benefits on your plan webpage.
Open Acupuncture-08831 Monroe Township Schedule - here.
Check the availability and text me to confirm date and time: (908) 492-1457 - Leon.
The first text message on my phone - takes first place to be on Schedule.
After I confirmed by text back your date and time - check your initials on Schedule page.

Leonid Belenitsky, M.S., L.Ac. - your United Healthcare Acupuncture provider.

We treated Lower Back pain, neck pain, shoulders and knees pain and much more.

Provider - licensed, certified, insured.
US Acupuncture education: 2006-2009  Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine.
New Jersey Acupuncture experience since 2008.

Ukrainian class of Acupuncture professor E.Yarotskaya, MD, Ph.D. (Head of the Department of Acupuncture, Kharkov Institute for Advanced Medical Studies of  Kharkiv National Medical University): 1996-1998.