Acupuncture for Anxiety Disorder in East Brunswick, NJ 08816.

Acupuncture for anxiety disorder in Monroe Township NJ 08831 or just "Acupuncture 08831" - means 30 min hands on with One Patient only.
The office located at 1989 Englishtown Rd., Monroe Township NJ 08831.
Licensed, Certified, Insured, Experienced.

 We treat:
Lower Back Pain, any muscular pain, Upper Back Pain,
Anxiety, Stress any level, PTSD,
Attention Deficit Disorder,
Sports injury, Muscular tension. 

We do: Acupuncture, Cupping, Stretching. We do Acupuncture Anxiety Disorder protocol.

Acupuncture KYI in East Brunswick NJ.

Leonid Belenitsky, M.S., L.Ac., author of four books about Yoga Philosophy (1998-2021).
NJ Acupuncture License # 25MZ00078700. Since 2010 to present time.
The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine # 111682. NCCAOM Diplomate.
State of New Jersey - Registration Certificate #160245. Since 2010.
National Provider Identification (NPI) # 122 533 2828.
Acupuncture KYI Group NPI # 1710300389.
First acupuncture education (professor E.Yarotskaya, MD, Ph.D., Ukraine) 1996-1998.
Main M.S. Acupuncture Program 2006-2009 in NJ - Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine.

Wisdom of Acupuncture through over 3000 years.

The 5,000-year-old mummified body of "Ötzi the Iceman" (Wikipedia article) was found with 15 groups of tattoos, many of which were located at points on the body where acupuncture needles are used for abdominal or lower back problems. According Wiki, Otzi - the man who lived between 3350 and 3105 BC.

The System of Acupuncture has: 12 main meridians, 8 extra meridians, 12 divergent meridians, 15 collaterals (secondary meridians). Plus 12 tendino muscular meridians with 12 muscular regions. Total with 361 acupuncture points. But in some Acupuncture System 670 points count (Wiki: "Acupuncture"). The Wisdom of Acupuncture has 8 principles, diagnosis system, treatment protocols for many different health issues.

Acupuncture-08831: your alternative Anxiety & Stress solution.

Ask your Doctor first. We are NOT main Anxiety providers.
If your Doctor needs Report - we will do it. Just inform us, please.

#1: The National Institute of Health (.gov) shows the Prove of Acupuncture success with PTSD and Anxiety attacks: "Scalp acupuncture treatment protocol for Anxiety Disorder" (PMCID: PMC4104565). Means, Acupuncture PROTOCOL discovered, tested, proved to use.

#2: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) describes 6 different diagnostic protocols for Anxiety issues (Yin Yang house):
- HT Blood deficiency and HT blood stagnation;
- HT Qi deficiency;
- HT Yang deficiency;
- Kid Yin deficiency and Phlegm misting the Hard.

What is the basic acupuncture point for Anxiety? 

Generally speaking, minimal acupuncture Monroe township NJ protocol based on five acupuncture points: Shen Men (HT-7), YinTong (Third eye), Nei Guan (PC-6), Shan Zhong (Ren-17),  BaiHui (DU-20).

According "Medical News Today", acupuncture points for Anxiety: DU-20, EXHN-3 (third eye), HT-7, LI-4.

Points for easing Anxiety, according "Balance Acupuncture" site: DU-20, Yin Tong, Ren-17, HT-7, SP-6, GB-21, Liv-3.
They're 7 acupuncture points for Anxiety calms nervous system; reducing stress. The treatment starts with DU-20 and Liv-3.
Whole idea spots with palpation or DT acupuncture points massage to find tender spots.

Plus Essential Oils. Acupuncture in Monroe Township NJ we are using deTerra Oils. Like Lavender or Wild Orange.

Acupuncture: point of view on Anxiety; cause of Anxiety.

Deficiency Patterns of cause of Anxiety in General:
- Qi Deficiency;
- Blood Deficiency;
- Yang Deficiency;
- Yin Deficiency.

Specific Deficiency Patterns related to the Cause of Anxiety:
- HT Qi Deficiency;
- HT Yang Deficiency;
- HT Blood Deficiency;
- HT Blood Stagnation;
- Kid Yin Deficiency;
- Phlegm misting the Hard.

Anxiety Acupuncture TCM Patterns Complications (according "Me and Qi" article):

1 - Specific Pattern "HT Blood Deficiency" (under General Pattern "Blood Deficiency") with real patient can met with "Spleen or (and) Liver Blood Deficiency" Patterns.
2 - With Health History Pattern of "Spleen Qi Deficiency" which comes before "Blood Deficiency" Pattern.
3 - D/x: pulse - Chopped; tongue - pale and thin - or - slightly dry.
4 - T/x principle: nourish the blood; tonify the hard; calm the mind.

5 - if complication with "HT Yin Deficiency" - "dizziness" - main patient complaint after Anxiety.
6 - when HT Blood Deficiency herts the Mind - Anxiety comes with Insomnia and Memory problems.
7 - with HT Qi Deficiency - Anxiety comes with Palpitations.

Acupuncture for Anxiety: NIH Research. 

Definition: anxiety is "“The apprehensive anticipation of future danger or misfortune accompanied by a feeling of dysphoria or somatic symptoms of tension. The focus of anticipated danger may be internal or external”.

Description: Panic attack; Agoraphobia ± history of panic disorder; Panic disorder ± agoraphobia; Specific phobia; Social phobia; Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD); Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Acute stress disorder; Generalized anxiety disorder; Anxiety disorder due to a medical condition; Substance‐induced anxiety disorder; Anxiety disorder not otherwise specified.

All acupuncture points for Anxiety above shows on this Research # PMC 6493505.

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