The Wisdom Collection:
Acupuncture and Yoga.

Mostly about Acupuncture itself. Some Acupuncture History.
Acupuncture discussions about  the  Historical  evident   of  Acupuncture past  during  the Development of the planet.
This page about Spiritual Development of Humans during world history of Old Civilizations.
As an owner of Acupuncture-08831 (Acupuncture Monroe NJ) - it's mine personal Collection of Philosophical Wisdom expressions.
Are you sure that Humanity develops itself?
Do you think people can know their way?
Is it possible to predict the Fate of a person like the stocks on the Stock Exchange?

Acupuncture 3000 years ago - how

Acupuncture. China: Acupuncture Historical Wisdom:
3000 years ago.

The ancient practice of acupuncture started in China approximately 3000 years ago. Is this try or false? If we based on the First document about acupuncture - its try.  The first documentation of acupuncture that described it as an organized system of diagnosis and treatment is in The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, which dates back to 100 BCE.
(Kirchhof-Glazier D. Acupuncture: modern interest in an ancient technique)

If we based on archeological discoveries - false. Acupuncture got first false representation before archeologist found Otzi Iceman.

How Traditional Chinese Medicine learned about Meridians and Acupuncture?

How Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture) learned about Meridians and Acupuncture Points 3,000 years ago will remain a mystery for centuries. The Acupuncture simplest and craziest hypothesis that can explain this acupuncture phenomenon destroys our understanding of our planetary history. Astronauts from other worlds could visit us. Or the very civilization of antiquity far exceeded our modern level of development acupuncture. Both versions will be actively rejected by the scientific community. (L.B. 2023).
At the Picture - original sculpture of Acupuncture points. The Acupuncture - not about points. Acupuncture is the method.

How does Acupuncture work?

From Google: John Hopkins Medicine: key word "Acupuncture":
"Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain.
These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being."

Personally, I really like the phrase “they believe” in this context and in this quote.
At the same time, there are already more than enough explanations of how Acupuncture works. And most of the publications "how does acupuncture work?" made by successful scientists, confirmed by scientific experiments. But it still causes some uncertainty about success. This is what I mean by the phrase “they believe.”

Just look at the number of scientific publications on government websites in the USA, England, Australia, Germany and other countries. But still, scientists prefer the phrase “they believe.” Okay, I won't link to acupuncturists' websites. I'll look for quotes from purely scientific sources.

Medical News Today: "How acupuncture works?"
"Some people believe it works by balancing vital energy, while others believe it has a neurological effect."

According Harvard Medical School article: Exploring the Science of Acupuncture. Researchers have discovered neurons needed for acupuncture’s anti-inflammatory response. By CATHERINE CARUSO November 1, 2021. "In a final experiment, the scientists explored the distribution of the neurons in the hindlimb. They discovered that there are considerably more neurons in the anterior muscles of the hindlimb than in the posterior muscles, resulting in a stronger response to electroacupuncture in the anterior region."

Yoga philosophy 10,000 years ago - mystical Path

India: Yoga Historical Wisdom: 10,000 years ago.

The development of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but some researchers think that yoga may be up to 10,000 years old old. Yoga’s long rich history can be divided into four main periods of innovation, practice and development.
We have what we have. On the one hand, science relies on archaeological finds. And these finds date back 5,000 years ago. There are no other finds by modern archaeologists. On the other hand, Wikipedia suggests that the Flood was 20,000 years ago. And everything that was before is questioned due to lack of evidence. 

"Yoga Sutra" Patanjali was written 2100 years ago. We will talk about Acupuncture in India later.

How could the Yoga Masters from time immemorial know that prolonged Concentration of Attention can lead to the development of Human Superpowers?

At the Picture - sculpture monument at Mahaliburam (India) - Ganga goes to Earth. But at the center we can see Symbols of Personal secret Spiritual Yoga Path (Kundalini naga movements) from Lower level life to top Heaven level.

Besides Acupuncture: the oldest Believers on the planet. Excluded Acupuncture.

What is this paragraph about? And what do such ancient religions as Shamanism or Hinduism have to do with Acupuncture?

Judaism and the religion of ancient Babylon are generally not directly related to Acupuncture.

In fact, any opinion can be challenged. But, according to the Constitution, any opinion has the right to be. The childhood and old age of one person seemed to have nothing to do with each other until Sigmund Freud appeared. Likewise, no one thought or expected that the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917 would create a State that would frighten the entire civilized world with its nuclear weapons for almost 70 years. How did this happen? Lenin appeared. Just like Freud. Suddenly. There's always something coming. And the incompatible becomes common. Even the continents of our planet are changing their places. Let's see how we can combine the Incompatible in the size of one article.

Shamanism - 30,000 years ago

Shamanism is known as the oldest spiritual and mystical practice

Shamanism is known as the oldest spiritual and mystical practice still existing in our planet. Its presence dates back 30 to 40 thousand years ago, a time where consciousness emerged into the human mind. Throughout time and evolution, many of the shamanic practices have spread across the world and remain prevalent in a multitude of religious practices. 

Hinduism begin more than 10,000 years ago.

When did Hinduism begin date? As a consequence, there is no firm date of origin for Hinduism, either. The earliest known sacred texts of Hinduism, the Vedas, date back to at least 3000 BCE, but some date them back even further, to 8000-6000 BCE; and some Hindus themselves believe these texts to be of divine origin, and therefore timeless.
Yoga's origins can be traced to northern India over 5,000 years ago. The word yoga was first mentioned in ancient sacred texts called the Rig Veda. The Vedas are a set of four ancient sacred texts written in Sanskrit.

Judaism: as of 2023, we are currently in the year 5783 on the Jewish calendar. 

Judaism originated with the biblical patriarch Abraham (approx 1800 BCE). Abraham established a covenant with God that was confirmed with the reception of the Torah (the Law including the Ten Commandments) from God through Moses to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai approximately 3,320 years ago. 

Ishtar - god of Love and War plus Astral.

Ishtar is a primary Sumerian (Mesopotamian) goddess closely associated with love and war. Ishtar's association with the astral emblem of an eight-pointed star is found on cylinder seals from the Early Dynastic Period (2900-2300 BCE) and remains closely linked to the deity through thousands of years of Mesopotamian history, up to the Neo-Babylonian period.

Acupuncture 3000 history welcome to the clinic

Acupuncture World. China: the History of Acupuncture 

Chinese veneration of ancestors dates back to ancient times (10,000 BC), predating Confucianism and Taoism. Traditional Chinese culture, Confucianism, and Chinese Buddhism all value filial piety as a top virtue, and the act is a continued display of piety and respect towards departed ancestors. The veneration of ancestors can even extend to legendary figures or historical, such as the patriarch or founder of one's Chinese surname, virtuous individuals such as Confucius or Guan Yu, or the mythological figures like the Yellow Emperor, supposed as the ancestor of all Chinese people. Wise men have always lived on our planet. They could be famous or invisible. Each of them had their own spiritual status. The sages influenced peoples and countries in their own way. Every sage truly believed in something. And his faith was shared by his fellow tribesmen. With the passage of time, the sages themselves and their worldview changed. 

If 40,000 years ago shamans were sages, then many peoples of Asia and Africa, South and North America, Siberia and the Far East had their faith in spirits. Since the time of Shamanism, people have believed in invisible worlds and the souls that inhabited them. Faith in the world of ancestors has existed on the planet for tens of thousands of years. And until now, we observe the ritual of funeral and farewell to relatives and loved ones who go into the unknown.
Different religions define the world of the departed in their own way. But what is interesting is that we all see our loved ones in our dreams or meditation and it seems to us that we are talking to them. This is not available to everyone. Some people's hearts are so cold that they cannot generate love or happiness from within their hearts. And this is one of the tragedies of our time. When we observe a person who cannot love and be happy, we said that his heart is colder than ice. If a person radiates love and happiness around him, we say that his heart carries an inner fire or light.

The "Acupuncture Today" article "Ice Age Acupuncture?"

Study of Mummified Body Raises Questions about Practice's Origin. June 2000.
      The General source of  information - check Wiki article "Ötzi, also called the Iceman".
On Wiki article - nothing about Acupuncture, but all about Archeological Discovery.

"At the time when Otzi was around, I'm sure that many shamanistic cultures worldwide might have practiced it," added Dr. Moser.
      "But only the Chinese formalized it and saved it into modern times."

The research team, led by Drs. Leopold Dorfer and Max Moser, first calculated the mummy's cun by measuring its femur, tibia and radius. They then converted the measurements of the tattoos to cun and overlaid the locations of the tattoos to topographical representations of Chinese acupuncture points.

"The locations of the tattoos are similar to points used for specific disease states in the traditional Chinese and modern acupuncture treatment," the scientists concluded. "É This raises the possibility of acupuncture having originated in the Eurasian continent at least 2000 years earlier than previously recognized."
Also, check other articles:
1 - What Ötzi the Iceman’s Tattoos Reveal About Copper Age Medical Practices. New study argues that the 5,300-year-old Iceman’s community boasted surprisingly advanced health care techniques. By Meilan Solly. Associate Editor, History. September 10, 2018.
"The Iceman's tattoos align with classic acupuncture points, and the plants found amongst his belongings have well-known medical applications".

2 - Ötzi the Iceman's Tattoos May Have Been a Primitive Form of Acupuncture. News. By Tia Ghose published September 26, 2018.

References of Acupuncture historical facts.

1 - Dorfer L, et al. A medical report from the stone age? Lancet Sep 18, 1999;354:1023-5.
2 - Glausiusz J. The ice man healeth. Discover February 2000.
3 - Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture. Compiled by Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing College of TCM. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 1980.
4 - O'Connor J, Bansky D (eds.) Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text. Seatle: Eastlan, 1996.

5 - Maciocia G. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1989.
6 - Traditional and evidence-based acupuncture in headache management: theory, mechanism, and practice. Zhao CH, Stillman MJ, Rozen TD. Headache. 2005
7 - A short history of a long tradition. Qi: the basis of Chinese medicine. Wax WA, White KR. Am J Nurs. 2000 Sep
8 - A short history of acupuncture. Wu JN. J Altern Complement Med. 1996 Spring;2(1):19-21. doi: 10.1089/acm.1996.2.19. PMID: 9395636 

9 - Acupuncture: a review of its history, theories, and indications. Ceniceros S, Brown GR. South Med J. 1998 Dec. PMID: 9853723 Review.

The History of Acupuncture: the Eight Principles of TCM:
Cold-Heat, Yin-Yang, Excess-Deficiency, Internal-External.

TCM and Acupuncture. Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on these images. On 8 principles of Acupuncture: Cold-Heat, Yin-Yang, Excess-Deficiency, Internal-External.

Lao Tzu Quotes "Tao te Ching": (6-4 century. B.C.) Acupuncture Philosophy.

Lao Tzu Quotes "Tao te Ching": (6-4 century. B.C.) Acupuncture Philosophy.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

"Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power."

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small."

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."

Human stupidity is bottomless. Human wisdom is infinitely high.
Any opposition can correspond to one of the eight Principles of Chinese Medicine.

The politician is looking for his Voter. The wise man seeks the Heaven Source that will saturate his wisdom.

Do you still think that Shamanism, Hinduism, Judaism and Sumerian's have nothing to do with each other?
These ancient religions are so far from us (at the time of their appearance) that we do not even notice when we quote representatives of these directions.
(YouTube lectures 2015-2018)

Acupuncture and Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture and Acupuncture Points.

It's just that every painful point on the body is an Emotion or Feeling that was not destined to be born on this Earth. Of course, we don't identify pain in the body with our Behavioral Errors - we just don't see the connection of the Body with Emotions. But as Ecclesiastes said, everything has its time (when he spoke about stones). And the blind will see and the dumb will speak.

Acupuncture points classifications based on History of Acupuncture.

All acupuncture (361) points can be classified: by Energy (Yuan Source points); by pain (Xi Cleft points); by collaterals (Luo connecting points); by nature (5 element points) and other's.

The List of Acupuncture points classification can be much longer: Five Shu Points; Lower He Sea Points; Back Shu Points; Front Mu Points; Thirteen Ghost Points; Sky Window Points and other's. Like, Thirteen Ghost Points.

Specific points: Thirteen Acupuncture Ghost Points.

What are 13 Ghost acupuncture points? What they do?
Why the 13 Ghost points need to be in separate Acupuncture points Classification?
According the Theory of Acupuncture (Acupuncture Points Theory), all 13 Ghost points used to treat the Spiritual human problems. Or Psychiatric Decease.
Long time ago (Tung Dynasty: 618-907 A.D.), the treaties "1000 ducat formulas" by Sun Si Miao discovered the Ghost acupuncture points as a treatment of mental illness.

The List of 13 Ghost points: DU-16; DU-23; DU-26. Ren-24. LI-11; LU-11. SP-1; ST-6. PC-7; PC-8. UB-62.
Plus: Guifeng (Extra Point) and Ren-1 point.
Guifeng point location: on the underside of the tongue, one cun from the tip of the midline.

Essentially Ren-1 point: originally described as Yu Men Tou (Extra Point - Women) and Yin Xia Feng (Extra Point - Men).

For example, SP-1 acupuncture point used for (but not limited):
1 - Emotional issues esp. with aspects of worry - worried dreams, depression.

2 - Possibly useful for eating disorders originating from stress/worry.