Mystical Qi Acupuncture
Acupuncture. Mystical qi acupuncture. History of acupuncture. Acupuncture needles. Archeological discovery. Qi energy. Acupuncture Qi. How acupuncture works? Life qi. Vital energy. Mystical qi. Acupuncture books. Future of Acupuncture. Maslow's pyramid. Licensed acupuncturist. Giovanni Maciocia.
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That's what acupuncture needles do in acupuncturist hands.
But, by definition, acupuncture works with Qi - mystical Qi acupuncture.
What is Qi? Does Mystical qi exist? What is mystical Acupuncture Qi? You can ask. And not only you. Health insurance companies and pharmaceutical concerns will ask too.
What is this product? How much does it cost? Can you collect the Qi amount on your Bank account? Very interesting question, by the way.
I know. Complicated. We need something simple. Something what we can touch. We need Product to sell, not the Sound of bell.
The History of Acupuncture - simple Mystical Qi Acupuncture.
#1 - Acupuncture has been practiced in China for more than 3000 years.
# 2 - Archeological Discovery - Otzi man - the tattoo marks seen on the "Ice Man"- who died in about 5300 BCE and whose body was revealed when an Alpine glacier melted. These tattoos might indicate that a form of stimulatory treatment similar to acupuncture developed quite independently of China.
# 3 - The first document of organized system of diagnosis and treatment of acupuncture is The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, dating from about 100 BCE.
# 4 - Many different esoteric theories of diagnosis and treatment emerged, sometimes even contradictory, possibly as competing schools attempted to establish their exclusiveness and influence.
# 5 - During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion was published, which forms the basis of modern acupuncture.
# 6 - We have 361 acupuncture points in the human body, like days during the year in our planet. But John Hopkins Medicine source shows number more than 2000 acupuncture points in the human body.
# 7 - The earliest traditions of Chinese medicine (Shang dynasty, 17th–11th century BC) were linked to beliefs in ancestors. Deceased ancestors were capable of endangering or even destroying human life, and healing practices attempted to restore not only the living, but also the dead. (
Acupuncture needles with Archeological Discovery.
# 8 - The earliest archaeological findings (from the 1970s) are four gold and five silver needles. Was discovered in the tomb of Han Dynasty Prince Liu Sheng (?–113 BC).
# 9 - The earliest Chinese medical texts known today were discovered at the Mawangdui graves, sealed in 168 BC and the Zhang Jias Han burial site, closed between 186 and 156 BC. These documents provide the first descriptions of mai, imaginary "channels" that were associated with diagnosis and treatment.
# 10 - The classic text Huang Di Neijing introduced the practice and theoretical underpinnings of what clearly became human acupuncture in the historical sense. Means the manipulation of Qi flowing in vessels or conduits by means of needling.
# 11 - In the Song times, (AD 960–1279), acupuncture medical practice became increasingly systematized, as typified by the work of Wang Weiyi in connection with his acupuncture bronze man (on the picture). Thank you for the article "A true History of Acupuncture".
Some private thoughts on the History of Acupuncture and Acupuncture Needles.
More precisely, “some private thoughts on the History of Acupuncture and Acupuncture Needles”, which no one talks about out loud.
In other words, "Inconvenient questions about the History of Acupuncture."
First question: What is Qi energy? Or Mystical Qi Acupuncture?
If we can answer this question, then the work of the acupuncturist to fill the patient with this energy with Qi Deficiency makes sense.
If we cannot answer this question, then what do we diagnose when interviewing and examining the patient?
Question two: How, who, when could draw all the lines of the Meridians of Acupuncture and convey this knowledge to people (like Prometheus transmitted fire)?
If the “Book of the Yellow Emperor” has reached us and before that we did not have any written evidence about the existence of Acupuncture, then why is the skeleton (Otzi man) found by archaeologists with acupuncture meridians drawn on it considered as “scientific speculation”?
In other words, if archaeologists find a 10,000 year old computer with no specifications or manual, will we stubbornly deny this archaeological find?
This is exactly what happened to Otzi the mummy.
In other words, someone 5300 years ago had knowledge of acupuncture meridians, acupuncture points. For some reason, this “someone” did not take care to pack this knowledge well and leave it in such a place that we could successfully unearth “it”. Terrible. Definitely inconvinete.
All about Qi energy in simple questions and answers.
So what is mysterious Qi as we understand it today?
Have you sometimes been told that you look tired?
So this is a temporary loss of our mysterious Qi Power.
Invisible Qi Energy is like the Force of Gravity. No one sees the Force itself, but its presence is obvious.
Each of us has once felt a loss of personal energy in a conversation with an unpleasant person.
As well as the disappearance of energy with many unfinished tasks.
We know how energy is lost during anxiety and stress.
Is this really that mystical Qi acupuncture?
About which so much has been written in books on acupuncture.
Is it really possible that thinking about the loss of our energy will lead us to understand the very nature of the magical Qi described in acupuncture treatises?
Maybe yes. We begin to appreciate something when we lose it.
Transition from bone acupuncture needles to silver and gold acupuncture needles.
I don’t know who could edit the History of Acupuncture, but the transition from bone acupuncture needles to metal acupuncture needles is associated with mysticism, no less than Plato’s legend of Atlantis.
As we know, the American Indians never invented the crossbow, but they successfully used bows and arrows. And this was during the time of Columbus and Vasko da Gamma.
Likewise, the transition from acupuncture needles made of bone to acupuncture needles made of gold will forever remain a mystery to us.
As well as the true source of all acupuncture knowledge, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries.
What about the secret Qi? Acupuncture Qi. Mystical Qi. Mystical Qi Acupuncture.
Could Ancient Acupuncturists Feel Mystical Qi? How do we feel hot or cold?
Or maybe ancient acupuncturists felt the mysterious Qi as love and hate, or as anxiety or self-confidence?
Everyone can have their own opinion on this controversial issue.
But for some reason it seems to me that acupuncturists of the past not only had a good sense of Qi, its flow in the human body, but also saw the Qi energy in their lives.
In business, it is the most persistent and energetic who achieve success. Everyone knows this.
Maybe this business success of energetic people is the magic Qi we are looking for?
I hope that you now better understand the secret Qi that your modern acupuncturists tell you about.
Five different explanations: How Acupuncture works?
# 1 - from John Hopkins Medicine: "Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being."
# 2 - from Mayo Clinic: "Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance."
# 3 - WebMD opinion: "Acupuncture seeks to release the flow of the body's vital energy or "chi" by stimulating points along 14 energy pathways. Some scientists believe that the needles cause the body to release endorphins -- natural painkillers -- and may boost blood flow and change brain activity. Skeptics say acupuncture works only because people believe it will, an effect called the placebo effect."
# 4 - from CAM Therapist: "Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine; it balances the autonomic nervous system, influences hormonal release, and induces neuroplastic changes in the brain. These effects make acupuncture a valuable complementary therapy for various health conditions, including chronic pain, headaches and migraines, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, fertility and cognitive decline."
# 5 - NHC (England): "Traditional acupuncture is based on the belief that an energy, or "life force", flows through the body in channels called meridians. This life force is known as Qi. Practitioners who use acupuncture in the traditional way believe that when Qi does not flow freely through the body, this can cause illness. They also believe acupuncture can restore the flow of Qi, and so restore health."
Life Qi or Vital Energy: every movement has the Energy Source.
One can talk about Life Qi for hours. Just like the Force of Gravity. How about the Soul. Or Fate. It’s just that scientific explanation does not tolerate vague terminology, which does not consist of atoms, quarks and is not measured by instruments. Therefore, the main part of acupuncture - Life Qi, on which everything is actually built, mysteriously disappears from the explanations of “How Acupuncture Works”.
It is clearly stated: Qi is the basis of acupuncture practice. Scientific medical journals may forget about this, but if Qi Energy is forgotten in acupuncture clinics, we will lose the main source of our strength.
Best acupuncture books which explains "How Acupuncture works".
Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 2019 by Cheng Xinnong (Author) - 669 pages.
A Manual of Acupuncture by Peter Deadman (Author), Mazin Al-Khafaji (Author), Kevin Baker - 670 pages.
The Channels of Acupuncture: The Channels of Acupuncture 1st Edition by Giovanni Maciocia - 738 pages.
The Practice of Chinese Medicine: The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Herbs - 1320 pages.
Foundations of Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia - 1320 pages.
Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, 2nd Edition by Giovanni Maciocia - 1128 pages.
Chinese Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology textbook - 1092 pages.
The Psyche in Chinese Medicine comprehensively discusses - 688 pages.
Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine - 520 pages.
Acupuncture for IVF and Assisted Reproduction: An integrated approach to treatment and management by Irina Szmelskyj Dip.Ac., M.S., MBA, Lianne Aquilina B.S., M.B.A., ATCM, Alan Szmelskyj D.O., M.Sc., Adv. Dip. Clin. Hyp., FRSPH (Editor) - 448 pages.
Advanced Acupuncture, A Clinic Manual: Protocols for the Complement Channels of the Complete Acupuncture System - 468 pages.
Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine Wang Ju-Yi's Lectures on Channel Therapeutics - 718 pages.