KeyWords Acupuncture in East Brunswick NJ 08816

   I hope that this brilliant idea of “creating a special map based on site keywords” will bring certain benefits to its creator. The old acupuncture site doesn’t need such an idea. But the new one needs it.

Acupuncture site. The Definition. Websites for acupuncturists.

   Acupuncture site (acupuncture website) - is regular site which collects articles all about acupuncture like a healing method or historical, institutional, research aspects of acupuncture. From the point of view of Search Engines Machines Acupuncture website different from another websites by Keywords, specific Acupuncture keywords with acupuncture website use on every single page of the acupuncture website.

    More than 20 years ago, an interesting study was published that sellers of branded clothing offered Internet marketers keywords to promote new brands to potential consumers. It turned out that none of the suggested words were suitable. People in their Internet searches did not use the keywords suggested by the designers. So marketers began to charge money for the “right” keywords to search for a brand on the Internet.

 Keywords for acupuncture website - in internet reality are searching words examples. 

   Working Hypothesis: Google needs help identifying "keywords for your acupuncture site." Brief description of the problem of the acupuncture site: Google does not quickly index the appearance of new keywords on the site. It’s just that, besides “Acupuncture” there are many more words through which your acupuncture site can “attract” traffic.

   What did Wikipedia start doing back in the day? Do you know? No? Wikipedia started doing “Internal Linking” on its website. And this idea became the “golden bar” of Wikipedia. Let me explain: Internal Linking has created its own currents in the sea of Wikipedia. Google Search Console takes into account all internal links. But! It is much easier to create an internal link than an external one.

Local article example, or keyword article example: Acupuncture in East Brunswick NJ 08816.
Or very popular keyword example: Acupuncture near me. Like here - Acupuncture near East Brunswick NJ short article.

Your Acupuncture website news - the source of Internal backlinks, definition of new products or acupuncture procedures.

We starts our Acupuncture website news for first date - 07/02/2023.
It's actually more Acupuncture website news then Acupuncture scientific news - 07/15/2023.
Very local and extremely small news about invisible webpage - 07/22/2023.
What I am now demonstrating to you is an “internal linking” of our acupuncture site.

August 2023 was not so fruitful in terms of acupuncture news - but we got some - 08/04/2023.
The last one for August 2023 - is our Acupuncture website news from 08/27/2023.
Also check out our news from September (journalists all over the world get news from somewhere when nothing happens anywhere) - 09/02/2023.
I hope the "acupuncture website news" could be a good ranking Google keyword, but not today. Lets check Google. No. No Google Ranking at all.

The Map of Acupuncture KeyWords of this Acupuncture-08831 website.

Acupuncture  - the main idea to promote every single acupuncture term (acupuncture keyword) separately.
Purpose: show to the Google bot (search robot) all the acupuncture site keywords do I have today. 

   Acupuncture history  -  History of Acupuncture.  Number one , key part  of  Acupuncture history is the term Qi.  Vital Qi energy.  It's not 100% unique term. In Indian philosophy you can find the term "Prana" which means the Energy too. All about Qi:
          Qi energy  -  Mystical Qi - Life Qi - Vital energy

  Acupuncture solution  -  medical  practice term.  Acupuncture the oldest medical method in the world. We know.
        How Acupuncture works? If we have the answer - question about the acupuncture needles is the next on line.

  Acupuncture needles - You will be endlessly surprised, but the term "acupuncture needles" (today) is more related to the term "licensed acupuncturist" than to the term "history of acupuncture." Because the courts of the USA and Canada have already considered cases of violation of the protocol with acupuncture needles.

  Best Acupuncture books - Future for Acupuncture  -  My opinion is that the very future of the acupuncture profession in the United States depends on the number of specialized voluminous (700-1000 pages) publications from leading experts and leaders of the largest acupuncture schools.
      The best  big books example - Giovanni Maciocia's books.
     Maslow's Pyramid for licensed acupuncturists - more about Future of Acupuncture.
    Licensed acupuncturist future: fourth levels - also acupuncture keyword about profession "L.Ac." itself.

Zip geography around

General Acupuncture Site Keywords based on acupuncture clinic location.

  Acupuncture 08816
  Acupuncture in East Brunswick NJ:
      Long tail Keywords:
          #1- Acupuncture near East Brunswick NJ 08816
          #2- Acupuncture at C2 Brier Hill Ct East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Tail "Acu East Br" - 140 searches/month by Google.
In EB more than 20 L.Ac. - means everyone makes 1 search a week = 4 searches a month.
4/month x 20 L.Ac. = 100. We have 140/month. For how many potential clients we are going to fight?