July 2,2023. Acupuncture-08831 your local provider

Local Acupuncture office "Acupuncture-08831". Or "Acupuncture KYI" - full name "Acupuncture and Karma Yoga Institute". Acupuncture private practice experience since 2010. 2010-2013 - as a local provider used to work in Ocean, Deal, Lakewood, Trenton, Manalapan NJ. 2013-2016 used to work in East Brunswick and Manalapan. Since 2016 to 2024 used to work in Monroe TWP, NJ. Since 11/2024 - we are in East Brunswick NJ 08816. Our Lease signed until 11/2029. Means, Acupuncture-08831 your local provider until 2029, maybe longer.

Happy Birthday Acupuncture-08831 your local provider of Acu service.

Just as everyone living on this planet has their own birthday, so this acupuncture site has its own birthday.
This is not my first site and not even my second or third.
Acupuncture-08831 website was born on July 2, 2023.
After Covid and in the midst of the war in Ukraine.
It happened.

As people say: “Everyone is born as luck would have it.”
Like every person, a website should have a Soul.
And this Soul must manifest itself in the Stories of its Destiny.
After all, each site, like a person, like a movie or a poem, has its own Fate, its own Karma and its own Luck.

Mystics and Occultists say that every person on this planet has his own Mission on Earth.
And Richard Bach wrote about this in both “The Seagull” and “Illusions”.
Therefore, the site Acupuncture-08831 has its own Mission on Earth. Even several Missions.
Although the site itself does not live on Earth. It is located in the virtual Internet space.

What does a newborn site Acupuncture-08831 need?

Any experienced parent knows this.
A newborn site needs a Mission on Earth. What is it for? What are its tasks? Where is his place in this life?
Unfortunately, not every parent has answers to such questions at the time of the birth of their, albeit not their first, child.
But our situation is special.
This child was planned and born with Faith, Hope and Love, which not every earthly baby receives at the moment of his birth.
Let's consider my site lucky.

Only inexperienced parents think that their newborn website will immediately rush to fulfill its assigned Mission.
But no one forbids thinking on this planet.
The chicken thought a lot, but ended up in the soup.
All parents dream of a bright future for their “Project,” but they feed the baby four times a day, change his diapers, and sing songs before bed.

Happy Birthday Acupuncture-08831! A lot of Love and Happiness for you!

Short History. How we start Acupuncture journey?

11/2024 - moved from Monroe office to East Brunswick NJ.
2016-2024 - used to work in my office in Monroe NJ.
2010-2016 - used to work for several MD as an Acupuncturist and in my Home office in Deal NJ and after in East Brunswick NJ.
2010 - passing exams and obtaining a New Jersey State License for private practice.

2006-2009 - Master's program of Acupuncture with Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine (NJ, USA).
1998-2009 - used to do private massages (PA and NJ, USA) - "Massage at Home" business. Used to serve some NJ Devils Hockey players and Yankees co-owner admin.
1996-1998 - private courses (Ukraine) with professor of the Kharkov Medical Institute (Department of Advanced Medical Studies) Dr. Yarotskaya E., MD, Ph.D.
1988-1989 - (USSR - Ukraine) my first and second Massage Certifications. Swedish massage. Sports massage.
1981-1995 - (USSR - Ukraine) - started studying acupuncture on my own using popular and professional books:

1995 Гермина Танк Практикум по Китайской Акупунктуре
1994 Su Wen. Nan Jing. Huang Di Канон акупунктуры
1992 Место встречи трех ИНь
1991 Очерки пульсовой диагностики

 1991 Трактат о лихорадочных заболеваниях, вызванных холодом Шань Хуань Лунь
1991 Трудные вопроы классической Китайской медицины
1989 Иглоукалывание. Учебник Вьетнамской акупунктуры
1981 Гаваа Лувсан Очерки методов восточной рефлексотерапии